WHY IT'S DIFFERENT: - Moisture in the interior layer of the leather evaporates through the pores causing it to shrink and stiffen. SOFFENER™, a proprietary blend of natural oils, absorbs deep into these fibers and restores the lost moisture. Leather regularly conditioned with SOFFENER™ will retain its suppleness and natural feel.
For best results let SOFFENER™ absorb into the leather for 24 hours. Will not darken color-coated leathers. Use on all leathers. NOT FOR USE ON SUEDE.
Sizes Available:
Pint............conditions approximately 150 square feet - $33.00
Quart.........conditions approximately 300 square feet - $49.50
Half Gallon ......condiitions approximately 600 square feet = $74.00
Gallon...... conditions approximately 1,200 square feet - $115.00
Q. How many applications of SOFFENER™ are needed to restore my leather?
It depends on how dry the leather is. Apply SOFFENER™ and let it absorb for 24 hours. If the SOFFENER™ has absorbed completely, repeat application until there is some residue on the surface. This indicates the leather has absorbed as much as it needs. Wipe surface with a cloth dampened with warm water and buff dry. Maintain your leather by conditioning regularly with SOFFENER™.
COMMENT - Phil Trembly, Lawrenceville, NJ
I love your products! The SOFFENER™ did just what you promised and the results are great.
COMMENT - John La Bree, Hanover Park, IL
That stuff really works on older leather. I have tried several other brands and yours is the only one that really works.